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From Community, The Good Place, and Arrested Development, to Grace and Frankie, BoJack Horseman, and the One Day at a Time revival, Netflix has your sitcom needs covered.

There are a few dozen other sitcoms on Netflix also worth watching, from old network hits, to originals that are unique to Netflix. Seinfeld’s just the tip of Netflix’s sitcom iceberg, of course. Just stick with it a while-the first season or two are a little iffy. And if you’ve never seen Seinfeld somehow, now’s a great time to start.

After years on Hulu it’s now exclusively streaming on Netflix, so you can queue it up in-between episodes of whatever true crime doc or Korean splatter fest you’re currently watching. Y’know, maybe the greatest sitcom of all time. Not just the dude and his stand-up specials and weird car fetish show, but the actual sitcom he made his name on. Maybe you’ve heard: Netflix has Seinfeld now. A comprehensive guide to the best sitcoms on Netflix.

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