Gay cum in my ass clips

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Gerry from Eora Nation, Sydney - I'm always up to try new things during sex.Personally, some of our best sex has started with me giving him a little lick and progressing to a finger or a toy after and it's always fantastic. Teale - My partner introduced me to bum play when we first got together.Zac from Naarm, Melbourne - I started experimenting on my own with it, and then had some partners who were super open about it, and kind of encouraged me to get into it.BUT nearly 60% of you said you were too embarrassed to ask for it. We also asked cis straight men specifically if they were into it and over half of you said yes. You know we love an investigation here at The Hook Up so, we asked you on our Instagram if you liked a finger in the bum during sex, and 46% of you said you loved it. Who knew digging for treasure could open a world of pleasure? Here's what you told us. But if you're not keen on doing anal, or eating someone out - using a finger can be a great way to ease into it.Īlso for guys or people with prostates it can apparently be one of the best orgasms of your life, all thanks to a lil' nugget of gold called the prostate aka p-spot. Let's be real, over the past few years, ass play has become a pretty popular item on the menu. If you've clicked on this article you're either curious about anal fingering, a fan of butt play or a huge Dr. A finger in the bum can make you cum, a finger in the bum is so much fun.

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